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Autumn HYBRID meeting NSSM

Venue: University of Turku, Alhopuro-auditorium (for 235 persons), Medisiina D –building, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku, Finland / Online Live Stream zoom

Autumn HYBRID meeting NSSM

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Autumn HYBRID meeting NSSM
28.10.2022 Turku, Finland
Nordic society for Sexual Medicine in cooperation with the University of Turku and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Turku University Hospital
Venue: University of Turku, Alhopuro-auditorium (for 235 persons), Medisiina D –building, Kiinamyllynkatu 10, Turku, Finland /
Online Live Stream zoom

9.00-9.30 Coffee and registration

9.30-9.40 Welcome and introduction of the program of the day

9.40-10.10 Sexual emotions in the brain and body
Lauri Nummenmaa, Prof.
The Human Emotion Systems laboratory at Turku PET Centre and Department of Psychology, University of Turku

10.10 – 10.15 Discussion

10.15 – 10.45 How to make sex great again – combination of the results of the FINSEX and the book ”Between sexual desire and reality”
Osmo Kontula, Prof.
Member of the Advisory Committee of the World association for Sexual Health

10.45 - 11.00 Discussion

11.00 - 11.30 Sexual compliance and perceived consequences for the individual and the relationship — results from large-scale Finnish data"
Annika Gunst, PhD (Psych), Project researcher
Department of Psychology
Åbo Akademi University

11.30-11.45 Discussion

11.45- 12.45 Lunch (at one´s own expence)

12.45-13.30 Premature ejaculation
Patrik Jern, Prof.
University of Åbo Akademi

13.30-13.45 Discussion

13.45- 14.30 Education on sexual medicine in medical school of Finland - Results from The SexMedU - research group

Sanna-Mari Manninen, Master of Health Care PhD Candidate
Anna Aromaa, Specialist in Ob/Gyn PhD Student

14.30- 15.00 A brief overview of the teaching of sexual medicine in the basic training of the doctors in the Nordic Countries

Silja Vastera, medical student, University of Turku

Sanna-Mari Manninen, Master of Health Care PhD Candidate

15.15 Closure of the day

Nordic society for Sexual Medicine (FSSM eli Suomen Seksuaalilääketieteenyhdistys, joka on osa NSSM:ää)
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Katja Kero
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