Advanced laparoscopic colorectal surgery
Laparoskooppisen paksusuolikirurgian hands-on leikkaustekniikkakurssi eläinlaboratoriossa gastroenterologiseen kirurgiaan erikoistuville lääkäreille
Tilaisuuden ohjelma
TUESDAY 24.10.2023
09:00 Welcome and introduction
09:10 Basic principles
Positioning of team and patient (Dr. Pakarinen)
Ports insertion and positioning (Dr. Pakarinen)
Electrocautery and modern energy devices (Dr. Kössi)
10:45 Coffee
11:00 Laparoscopic left colectomy and sigmoid resection
Laparoscopic left colectomy and sigmoid resection for cancer (Dr. Kössi)
Division of inferior mesenteric vessels
Mobilisation of splenic flexure
Laparoscopic left colectomy and sigmoid resection for diverticulosis (Dr. Pakarinen)
12:00 Lunch
12:45 Introduction to dry lab
13:00 Wet lab on intestinal model (Kössi, Pakarinen,Tomminen)
Exercise in hand sutured anastomosis
14:45 Coffee
15:00 Surgery for inflammatory bowel disease
Surgery for Crohns diseasey Surgery for ulcerative colitis (Dr. Tomminen)
16:00 Complications (Dr. Tomminen)
Ureteral injury
Anastomotic complications
Postoperative detection of complications
17.00 End of day 1
WEDNESDAY 25.10.2023
09:00 Laparoscopic right colectomy (Dr. Kössi)
Laparoscopic right colectomy for cancery
Medial approach
Ileocolic artery division
Medial colic artery division
Anastomosis, intra/extracorporealy
CME - Vessel handling, Anastomosis, Traps
10:15 Porcine colorectal anatomy and rectopexy (Dr. Kössi)
10:30 Coffee
10:45 Laparoscopic rectal and stoma surgery
Laparoscopic rectal cancer surgery (Dr. Tomminen)
Laparoscopic TME
Laparoscopic APR
Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy (Dr. Pakarinen)
Laparoscopic stoma formation (Dr. Pakarinen)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Workshop on avital pig (Kössi, Pakarinen, Tomminen)
Laparoscopic sigmoid resection and Laparoscopic ventral rectopexy
15:45 Coffee
17:00 End of day 2
THURSDAY 26.10.2023
09:00 Animal surgery lab II (Dr. Kössi, Pakarinen, Tomminen)
Rectal resection, Stapled anastomosis, Ilestomy formation
09:45 Coffee
10:00 Animal surgery lab II continues (Kössi, Pakarinen, Tomminen)
12:45 Lunch
13:30 Video session (Kössi, Pakarinen, Tomminen)
Complications and Rare cases
14:30 ERAS and laparoscopic surgery
Preoperative components, Intraoperative components, Postoperative components (Dr. Pakarinen)
15:15 Farewell, Q&A, Certificates
15:30 Course ends