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37th Annual Meeting of the Nordic Society of

Logomo Event Center, Junakatu 9 ja etäyhteys

37th Annual Meeting of NSCMID on suurin pohjoismainen, vuosittain järjestettävä kliinisen mikrobiologian ja infektiotautien alan kongressi, jonka kohderyhmää ovat erityisesti mikrobiologit, lääkärit, alan tutkijat ja muut infektiotaudeista ja mikrobiologiasta kiinnostuneet. Kongressi järjestetään tänä vuonna ensimmäistä kertaa hybridikongressina, joten rekisteröityneillä on mahdollisuus osallistua kongressiin paikan päällä (Logomo Event Center, Turku) tai etäyhteydellä.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Friday 3 September
10:00 Registration opens
11:00-11:10 Opening
Session 1. COVID-19 immunity
11:10-11:40: COVID-19 infection and vaccine-induced humoral immunity, Ilkka Julkunen, Professor, University of Turku (Finland)
11:40-12:10: T cell immunity after COVID-19 vaccination and natural infection, Marcus Buggert, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
12:10-12:40 Global aspects of COVID-19 vaccination, Hanna Nohynek, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) (Finland)
12:40-13:40 Lunch
Session 2. Surgical infections
13:40-14:10: Acute appendicitis – challenging the century-old treatment paradigm of appendectomy for all, Paulina Salminen, Prof, Turku University Hospital (Finland)
14:10-14:40: Surgical infections, diverticulitis: benefits of antibiotics? Abbas Chabok, Västmanlands sjukhus (Sweden)
14:40-15:10: Prosthetic joint infection after total hip arthroplasty: an increasing trend? Keijo Mäkelä, Turku University Hospital (Finland)
15:10-15:40: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
15:40-17:10: Sponsored symposium (TBA)
17:20-18:00 Honorary lecture Terho Heikkinen, Prof, Turku University (Finland)
18:00 Welcome reception (at LOGOMO)

Saturday 4 September
8:30 Registration opens
Session 3. Antimicrobial resistance: here, there, and everywhere
9:00-9:30: Global aspects of AMR Robert Skov, Dr., ICARS/Statens Serum Institut (Denmark)
9:30-10:00: How about the North? Arnfinn Sundsfjord, Prof, CANS, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT) (Norway)
10:00-10:30: Sponsored symposium (TBA)
10:30-11:00: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
Session 4. Pediatric infections
11:00-11:30: Antibiotics in childhood: for better or worse? Asgeri Haraldsson, Professor of Pediatrics, Landspitali University Hospital (Iceland)
11:30-12:00: Neonatal infections for non-neonatologists Anne Karin Brigtsen, Assistant professor, Children´s Department, Oslo Univerity Hospital (Norway)
12:00-12:30: Cytomegalovirus infections in neonates, Harri Saxén, Prof., Children´s Hospital, University of Helsinki (Finland)
12:30-13:30: Lunch
Session 5. Bacterial screening for prevention of infection
13:30-14:00: Screening practices should follow local epidemiology, case VRE, Barbara Holzknecht, Herlev og Gentofte Hospital (Denmark)
14:00-14:30: Prevention of early-onset neonatal GBS infection in the Nordic countries, Verna Björklund, Children´s Hospital, Helsinki University Hospital (Finland)
14:30-15:00: Sponsored symposium (TBA)
15:00-15:30: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
Session 6. Novel technologies and therapies for infectious diseases
15:30-16:00: New vaccine technologies against infections, Mika Rämet, Prof, University of Tampere (Finland)
16:00-16:30: Novel antimicrobials for multidrug resistant gram-negative rods, Christian Giske, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
16:30-17:00: Monoclonal antibodies in infectious diseases, Magnús Gottfreðsson, Landspitali University Hospital (Iceland)
19:00: Congress dinner (at Marina Palace)

Sunday 5 September
9:00-9-30: General Assembly NSCMID
Session 7. Human microbiome and health
9:30-10:00: Microbes and health, Pentti Huovinen, Professor, University of Turku (Finland)
10:00-10:30: Fecal microbiota transplantation, what else than Clostridioides difficile? Perttu Arkkila, Professor, Helsinki University Hospital, Abdominal Center (Finland)
10:30-11:00: Clinical microbiome diagnostics – current status, Adrian Egli, Professor, University Hospital Basel (Switzerland)
11:00-11:30: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
Session 8. Travelers and vaccines
11:30-12:00: Who benefits from the meningococcal vaccines? Dominique Andree Yvette Caugant, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (Norway)
12:00-12:30: A randomized double-blinded clinical trial on an oral ETEC vaccine, ETVAX, among Finnish travellers to West-Africa, Anu Kantele, Prof., University of Helsinki/ Helsinki University Hospital (Finland)
12:30-13:00: Sponsored symposium (TBA)
13:00-14:00: Lunch
Session 9. Pneumococcus – an evergreen pathogen
14:00-14:30: From carriage to disease, Birgitta Henriques-Normark, Prof, Karolinska Institutet (Sweden)
14:30-15:00: Vaccination, herd immunity and replacement, Arto Palmu, M.D., Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) (Finland)
15:00-15:30: Invasive pneumococcus disease at a shipyard, Lotta Siira, PhD, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), (Finland)
15:30-16:00: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
Session 10. Young invited scientists (one speaker from each Nordic country)

Monday 6 September
Session 11. Preparedness and future pandemics – lessons learned from COVID-19
9:00-9:30: COVID-19 – challenges of translating evidence into public health actions, Pasi Penttinen, M.D., European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (ECDC) (Sweden)
9:30-10:00: Insights from Finland, Asko Järvinen, Prof, Helsinki University Hospital (Finland)
10:00-10:30: Coffee/tea/exhibition/posters
Session 12. Two years in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology in a Nordic perspective
10:30-11:00: Two years in microbiology, Kaisu Rantakokko-Jalava, M.D., PhD, Turku University Hospital (Finland)
11:00-11:30: Two years in infectious diseases, Henrik Nielsen, Aalborg University Hospital (Denmark)
11:30-12:00: Two years in infection control, Anders Johansson, Ass. Prof., Umeå University and University Hospital Umeå (Sweden)
12:00-12:20: Closing remarks and welcome to NSCMID 2022
12:30: Take-away lunch


Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (NSCMID) -järjestön puolesta NSCMID2021 järjestelytoimikunta
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Eeva Feuth
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+358 2 313 30572