Hyppää pääsisältöön

Sleep medicine course


The 2-year Sleep School organized jointly by the Universities of Helsinki and Turku, in co-operation with Nordic experts, will provide overview and practical tools for phycisians, nurses, psychologists and researchers in the field of sleep medicine and sleep research.

The course combines high quality expertises in sleep research (Sleepwell research program at Helsinki University Medical Faculty) and clinical sleep medicine (Sleep and Breathing Centre at the Turku University Hospital). The teachers are internationally recognized experts on their respective fields, and experienced educatiors.The curriculum has been created and evaluated in reference with the recommendations of the EACCME.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Curriculum Spring Term 2023

Second year 2023

January 18
27. Sleep and sleep disorders in the elderly including neurodegerative diseases. Gabriele Sved
28. Comorbidity in different sleep disorders. Markku Partinen

February 15
29. Sleep and pain. Eija Kalso
30. Sleep and sleep disorders in women. Päivi Polo and Ulla Anttalainen

March 22
31. Sleep and dreaming. Katja Valli
32. Sleep and work. Paula Salo and Mikko Härmä

April 19
33. Sleep and the role of dentistry. Marie Marklund
34. Sleep disturbancies among prisoners and forensic psychiatric aspects of sleep. Hannu Lauerma

May 10
35. Fitness to drive and sleep disorders. Markku Partinen
36. Education of sleep medicine in Nordic countries. Tiina Paunio

Tyks Uni- ja hengityskeskus, keuhkosairausoppi ja kliininen allergologia, Turun yliopisto
SleepWell Research Programme, Helsingin yliopisto
Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Tarja Saaresranta
Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti
Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero
+358 2 313 0000