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7th International Tampere Plastic Surgery Fla

Kirurgian koulutuskeskus (O-rakennus 2. krs), Biokatu 16

Tampere Flap Course antaa plastiikkakirurgeille ja plastiikkakirurgiaan erikoistuville sekä useiden muiden erikoisalojen kirurgeille hyvät valmiudet suunnitella ja toteuttaa rekonstruktiivista kielekekirurgiaa erilaisissa tilanteissa. Kolmipäiväinen kurssi koostuu asiantuntijaluennoista sekä käytännön harjoittelusta tuorevainajilla. Plastiikkakirurgian alasta kiinnostuneille erikoistumista aloitteleville kollegoille on myös tarjolla edullisempi Observation track.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Wednesday 29.11.2023 (Hands-on track, Observational track)

08:30-08:50 Registration and coffee
08:50-11:00 Lectures
• Opening words and course overview
• Anesthesia for free flap surgery
• Head and Neck lectures1&2
• Discussion

11:00-12:00 Lunch (Restaurant Ellipsi) and exhibition

12:00-13:45 Lectures continue
• Trunk
• Microvascular Breast reconstruction
• Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Treatment
• Pelvic floor and genitourinary tract reconstruction
• Hand and forearm pedicled and local flaps

13:45-14:15 Coffee and exhibition

14:15-15:30 Lectures continue
• Lower extremity lectures 1&2
• Free Flap monitoring
• Discussion

19:00- Get Together at Norlandia Tampere Hotel lobby

Thursday 30.11.2023 (Hands-on track, Observational track)

08:00-12:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 1
• Hands-on track participants will be dissecting Latissimus dorsi, TDAP, LICAP, scapular/parascapular, serrate fascia/muscle, trapezius muscle, SGAP and LAP flaps.

12:00-13:00 Lunch (Norlandia Hotel Tampere) and exhibition

13:00-16:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 2
• Hands-on track participants will be dissecting Supraclavicular, DIEP / ms-TRAM, SIAE, lymph node transfer with groin / SIEA / SCIP flap. Also, the participants will get to practice the exposure of internal mammary vessels for microvascular anastomosis with/without cartilage removal.

19.00- Course Dinner (for Hands-on track only), venue: to be announced

Friday 1.12.2023 (Hands-on track, Observational track)

08:00-12:00 Cadaveric dissections at TSEC / Session 3
• Hands-on track participants will be dissecting ALT, TFL, Vastus lateralis, gracilis muscle / TMG flaps. The participants also get to practice Medial Condyle/trochlea flap, rectus femoris and Sartorius flaps.

12:00-13:00 Lunch (Norlandia Hotel Tampere) and exhibition

13:00-15:30 Cadaveric dissection at TSEC / Session 4
• Hands-on track participants will be dissecting fibula flaps with/without muscle and skin. Also, the participants will get to practice the most common exposures of the lower extremity for microvascular anastomosis and dissecting propeller flaps.

15:30-16:00 Farewell and closing remarks

Kirurgian koulutuskeskus, Tampereen yliopistollinen sairaala
Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Reita Nyberg
Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti
Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero
+358 50 384 7500