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HERNIA SYMPOSIUM – How to treat challenging h

Karvasmäentie 8

Tässä tyräkirurgian jatkokoulutuksessa keskitytään erityisesti vatsanpeitteiden anatomiaan ja hankalien ja vaativien tyräkirurgisten tekniikoiden hallintaan leikkausdemonstraatioiden ja luentojen avulla. Vierailevana luennoitsijana on kirurgian ja anatomian professori Yohann Renard.

Tilaisuuden ohjelma

Thursday 25.1.
8.30-9.00 Coffee and opening of the session. Information on patients and indications
Demo operations:
- Robotic eTEP in large umbilical/epigastric hernias
- Robotic assisted operation for a hernia in difficult location (for example lumbar/subcostal hernia)

Presentations and discussions during the day:
- Anatomy of the abdominal wall and hernias in difficult locations (lateral hernias); how to approach /Yohann Renard
- When is eTEP technique beneficial? /Tuure Saarinen
- Patient cases, discussion
Lunch and afternoon coffee in between the operations/presentations
Conclusion of the day at 15.30-16.00.

Friday 26.1.

9.00 Information on patient and indications
Demo operations from 10 am ->
- Parastomal hernia repair using TAR and Pauli technique
Lunch around noon
Presentations in the afternoon:
13.00 Prevention of parastomal hernias and principles of repair / Elisa Mäkäräinen
13.30 Principles of TAR technique, when and how/ Yohann Renard
14.15 Discussion of patient cases
Klo 1 5.00 Conclusion of the day

HUS Vatsakeskus
Suomen Gastrokirurgit ry / hernia alajaos
Yhteyshenkilön nimi
Jaana Vironen
Yhteyshenkilön sähköposti
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