The Finnish - Swedish ERCP basic course 2024
The course consists of practical exercises with ERCP instruments and models, lectures and clinical patient cases.
Tilaisuuden ohjelma
Wednesday, October 30
09.30 Registration, coffee
10.00 Welcome Course faculty
10.10 History and indications of ERCP Antti Siiki
10.30 Cannulation, basic and difficult, rendezvous Urban Arnelo
11.30 My favorite cannulation strategies - 5 min each Antti Siiki, Anne Antila, Urban Arnelo, Fredrik Swahn
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Smart and safe use of radiology Urban Arnelo
13.30 Hygienics, ergonomics, preparations Dorina Gogu
14.30 Groupwork rotation (4 groups: diathermy, cleaning of instruments, the inside look of the endoscope, how to handle a duodenoscope)
16.00 Stent therapy, benign and malignant indications Anne Antila
18.00 ”Tipsrunda” -quiz walk
19.00 Dinner and sauna, Results of “Tipsrunda”
Thursday, October 31
08.00 Management of common bile duct stones – basic and advanced Fredrik Swahn & Antti Siiki
09.00 Practical training with the models
11.00 Discussion in groups (doctors and nurses): How do we perform at our hospital´s ERCP unit?
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Interactive cases Participants
14.15 Practical training with the models
19.00 Dinner
Friday, November 1
08.30 Interactive cases Participants
09.45 Practical training with the models
12.15 Lunch
13.45 ERCP complications – how to prevent and manage? Anne Antila
14.45 ERCP training and quality control Urban Arnelo & Antti Siiki
15.00 Closing remarks Course faculty
Changes may apply.